Think Strong, Play Strong

An Athlete faces new challenges every day, which is why it’s important to stay in-check with confidence, accountability and mental toughness to not just survive but thrive in a competitive and always-changing environment.

While in a perfect world, slumps don’t exist, injuries never occur, confidence soars constantly, and teammates/coaches get along perfectly- that just doesn’t happen!

By working with your Athlete I won’t teach them how to avoid situations or feeling their emotions, but I’ll give them the tools needed to take them on as they occur and deal with them rather than ignoring them.

Athletes need more than physical training. They need mindset training.

In our mindset training, Athletes will learn how to handle the mental aspect of sports by focusing on these core topics each week:

  • Self Talk and how the things we think and say to ourselves impacts our actions.

  • Overcoming the perfectionist mentality to increase confidence and happiness in sports and life.

  • Effective communication and role clarity between players and coaches.

  • Process vs Outcome oriented goals to build success.

  • Easy daily tasks that can build and maintain confidence.

Benefits of Mindset Training for Youth Athletes

Having a stronger mindset isn't about learning to avoid feelings of frustration, disappointment or getting upset when something happens in a game.

Instead it's learning what to do to help you stay confident and tough enough to perform despite having to go through those emotions.

No matter how talented an athlete is, they will most likely always experience:

  • A "bad call"

  • An injury

  • Less playing time than they would like

  • Disagreement with coach or teammate

  • Frustrations over a misplayed ball

  • Losses that are strongly blamed on others without taking accountability

No athlete avoids these scenarios by getting mentally stronger.

BUT they will have a plan in place for when it happens to them.

If you’re a coach or athlete that wants to start improving your mindset for optimal sports performance, let’s get started!

Team Openings for SUMMER 2024,

Coming Soon!